Keynote: J. B. Rainsberger

Keynote: J. B. Rainsberger

Keynote: J. B. Rainsberger

Topic: The Selfish Team Player

About the topic:

  • The Economics of Software Development: some ways to explain agile software development techniques with cost models and risk management approaches. Even some graphs and a tiny bit of calculus! 🙂 Good if the audience wants to have some more-compelling ways to explain agile software development to colleagues and decision-makers. Technical, but not about code.
  • The Selfish Team Player: how to take care of yourself so that you can give more to the team, including how some agile software development techniques and approaches help us do this better. This is a kind of inspirational talk that focuses on the individual person and what they can do to work with less stress in order to perform better for themself and their employer.
  • Programming Is the Easy Part: a big overview of how to be a more-effective programmer, focusing on two parts: (1) how to “master” programming using techniques from XP, (2) programming was the easy part, so how to use other techniques (some from Agile and some not) to manage the work and to interact better with people. This is much more of the “big picture” and inspirational kind of talk, where each person in the audience probably sees some different place where they want to learn more.

About the speaker: J. B. Rainsberger (@jbrains :: helps companies profit sooner from delivering software while he helps people work with more joy and less stress. He travels the world for part of the year sharing what he’s learned about programming, managing his work, building great relationships with people, and designing his lifestyle. The rest of the year he helps clients remotely, writes, and coaches people one on one. You can find his blogs at (mostly about programming) and at (mostly about everything else). He lives in Atlantic Canada with his wife, Sarah.

See also: