Morgan Ahlström

Morgan Ahlström

Morgan Ahlström

Topic: Psychological Safety – We Contribute

About the topic: Google concluded in project Aristotle that the most important factor when it comes to building high performing teams is the level of psychological safety. But if you don’t aim to be Google, do you still need to care about psychological safety? And if you do care, what can you do about it? We will break the concept of psychological safety down and take a look at how we can contribute and what will happen when we don’t.

About the speaker: Morgan Ahlström has been working in the IT industry for 20+ years covering several different roles, such as developer/architect, project manager, trainer, consultant manager and now during the last ten years as a Lean/Agile Coach. Some of the clients he has worked with in their agile transitions are Spotify, Hi3G Access, Tele2, Com Hem, Ecster, H&M, AFA, Teracom and Nordea. Morgan coaches development teams and management teams as well as individuals.