Workshop: Questions can be extremely powerful. Don’t waste yours.
About the workshop: Questions are a powerful tool, and good questioning skills are extremely important for both people and software development. We don’t spend enough time learning how to use our questions, when to use them, when not to use them.
Often questions are wasted – or even worse, unasked. In this workshop, we’ll explore and improve our questioning techniques and knowledge. We’ll gain insights on where we can improve and how to and when to use our questions.
About the speaker: Tony Bruce is a professional, constantly learning, coaching and teaching agile team member who specialises in testing and people.
He works in an exploratory style with agile techniques and testing with different perspectives, ranging from functional testing through to performance testing, using appropriate tools. He believes there is a need to effectively communicate progress, provide information on testing performed and keep a constant stream of information flowing through the team.
He has worked in various industries with organisations such as Skillsmatter, Channel 4, Ernst & Young, LMAX and The Children’s Society. He is an active member of the testing community; he hosts the London Tester Gathering and speaks at conferences all over the world.